All in One Icon Component

Code Component
Hello Community, I see framer doesn’t have some of the famous icon libraries such as Font Awesome icon, bootstrap icon, ionicons and more icons mentioned below seems to be missing. so i just integrated totally 48710 Icons from 31 Libraries into one single component. Easy to customize. Free Remix given below.
Icon libraries:
1. Circum Icons,
2. Font Awesome 5,
3. Font Awesome 6,
4. Ionicons 4,
5. Ionicons 5,
6. Material Design,
7. Typicons,
8. Octicons,
9. Feather Icons,
10. Lucide Icons,
11.Game Icons,
12. Weather Icons,
13. Devicons,
14. Ant Design Icons,
15. Bootstrap Icons,
16. Remix Icons,
17. Flat Color Icons,
18. Grommet Icons,
19. Heroicons,
20. Heroicons 2,
21. Simple Icons,
22. Simple Line Icons,
23. IcoMoon Icons,
24. Boxicons,
26. VS Code Icons,
27. Tabler Icons
28. Themify Icons,
29. Radix Icons,
30. Phosphor Icons
31. Icons8